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P3.91mm Indoor LED Panels Shine in Croatia

Time:2018-01-09 Views:214
Stepping into 2019, there are many cases shining in Europe countries.  Last Month, the high quality P3.91mm indoor led wall T-AV series were shining in Croatia.
1. Curve arc locks, inside and outside 15degree curve angel
2. Stylish cabinet style, each cabinet is 8.5kgs, more strong and stability cabinet
3. IC driver use ICN2053 +2012, give a more than 4680HZ referesh rates, no worries about the camera shooting or eyewatching.
4. LEDs choose the selected LEDs, with brightness is more than 1200cd/sqm
5. Front magnetic service, easily to take out modules with magnetic tool.
6. Flight case package

led display P3.9

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